5 Common Myths about CBD

5 Common Myths about CBD


Like with most things, the facts and information about CBD have many myths and misconceptions. This life saving compound has a few things it would like to get straight;

1. CBD oil and Hemp seed oil are the same

Although both come from the hemp plant, they are definitely not the same.

Hemp seed oil as its name suggests comes exclusively from the seeds of the hemp plant, it contains almost no CBD but instead has a myriad of nutrients and minerals.

CBD oil can be extracted from the leaves, stalks and flowers of the hemp plant.


2. CBD is addictive

As per a 2017 Report, the World Health Organization (WHO);

“In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential”  

In fact, several studies have proposed that cannabidiol (CBD) could be a promising treatment for substance abuse disorders.


3. No serious research has been done on this compound.

Au contraire! It’s true that the grey areas and overall stigma makes it difficult to do research on CBD, but some U.S. Universities have been permitted to research the plant.

And that research is available for us to review.

This study done at Columbia University looked into the use of CBD alongside conventional treatment for glioblastoma.

Glioblastoma is the most common kind of cancerous brain tumor in adults. Its standard treatment includes surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. The results of the study indicated CBD induced cell death and enhanced radio sensitivity of glioblastoma cells but not normal, healthy cells.

Israel being one of the leading countries of Cannabis Research, you can now find studies from a range of countries;

  • A 2014 study from Italy submitted that CBD inhibits the growth of cancer cells in people with colon cancer.
  • A 2017 study from Brazil deduced that a group of people who consumed CBD had less anxiety around public speaking than the control group who took a placebo.
  • A 2018 study from The United Kingdom showed promising results in treating ulcerative colitis (an inflammatory bowel disease).
  • A study released by the United States in 2018 revealed that CBD helps reduce Spasticity, Pain, Inflammation and depression in Multiple Sclerosis (chronic disease affecting the nervous system) patients. It also reduces the usage of prospection drugs like Benzodiazepines and Opioids.




4. CBD gets you ‘high’

CBD and THC, both active components in the cannabis plant. CBD is made from hemp and THC is made from marijuana plants. Both of these are species of the cannabis plant.

CBD can never, can never get you ‘high ‘or alter your state of mind.

THC is psychoactive and is the main ingredient in edibles and joints.

5. CBD is for everyone

As much as we advocate the endless list of benefits of the CBD, it is not necessarily for everyone. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, for example. Like with any supplement/medicine, it is always best to consult a doctor before you start using CBD.

If you feel like you might benefit from a consultation consult our in house doctor here















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May this research notes help to rid all stigmas from society


In specific to medical treatment,

Not everything that is legal is good for you, and not everything that is good for you is legal.
Using hemp as an alternative to opoids is on point and completely contrasts with my above statement.
I’m sure after reading this article, a tiny seed has been planted in my mind to look for better alternatives. Thank you hempivate ❤️

Nelson Menezes

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